Code Of Ethics


This code of ethics reflects Alconza’s commitment to act in accordance with values that guarantee responsible behavior and absolute respect for current legislation in all the Company’s relations with its workers, its customers and suppliers, its shareholders and society in general.
Principles of conduct based on our values:

“Ethical and Responsible Leadership”.

Based on this value, we are committed to a sustainable future based on the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to the development of our activity from the respect for the Environment, implementing a policy that allows us to have identified the environmental effects generated by each of our activities with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact, as well as taking into account the life cycle of the products.

Likewise, we are committed to protecting the integrity and health of our employees through a health and safety at work policy based on compliance with regulations, training and preventive management of occupational hazards. We demand the application by supplier companies of strict compliance with all applicable legal regulations on Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental protection.

Alconza’s staff does not accept gifts or tokens, including cash, to acquire new customers or hire suppliers.

“Committed team”.

The people who work at Alconza are committed to achieving the satisfaction of our client companies with the services provided by the company, this constituting one of the basic objectives of our business activity, being aware that success in the relationship with client companies lies in the correct provision of the services offered. To this end, and in order to achieve the committed quality levels, Alconza provides its staff with the necessary means for the development of its activity.
Our team values, protects and watches over the permanent integral development of the human factor and the attention to the demands of services that society demands, guaranteeing in the management of people, equal opportunities for women and men regardless of race, creed, color, origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability, thus avoiding any type of direct or indirect discrimination that may occur.

We are committed to respecting the human rights and public freedoms recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the international agreements promulgated in this regard. All our professional activities must be developed with total attention and guarantee to them and in particular we are committed to reject the work of minors being absolutely scrupulous in compliance with the labor legislation of each country on this point.


Alconza’s staff is committed to work in a coordinated manner, always prioritizing the common interest by offering a joint effort in a permanent search for excellence.
As a team, we promote civic values in our dealings with stakeholders, making decisions oriented towards the common benefit, equal treatment and non-discrimination.

We place special emphasis on the development and implementation of a Gender Equality Plan that guarantees an egalitarian work environment.We reject any manifestation of harassment, abuse of authority, as well as any other conduct that may generate situations of intimidation, offense or hostility.

We place special emphasis on the development and implementation of a Gender Equality Plan to ensure an egalitarian work environment.

We reject any manifestation of harassment, abuse of authority, as well as any other conduct that may generate situations of intimidation, offense or hostility.

Alconza, declares its commitment to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without discriminating directly or indirectly on the basis of sex, as well as the imposition and promotion of measures to achieve real equality within our organization, as well as in production processes and in the relationship with other entities in our environment, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our Corporate Policy.

In addition to this, we wish to emphasize our commitment to the prevention of and action against sexual harassment and harassment for reasons of sex in any of its manifestations, informing of its application to all personnel who provide services in our organization, whether they are our own personnel or from other companies.


Within the changing and constantly evolving world in which we find ourselves, Alconza’s professionals are flexible to anticipate and adapt to these changes efficiently and effectively.

We value the continuous training of our people, being fully aware that only through a permanent professional and personal development can we become a reference in our sector.

Flexibility also prevails in our internal relations, being able to modify our attitudes and behaviors to improve the understanding and coexistence of the people who make up the organization.


Innovation implies promoting a sustainable strategy in all the structures of the organization to create long-term value, analyzing at all times whether the traditional way of doing things and the current methods are still the most suitable, necessary and efficient. To this end, the introduction of changes in the management of people, processes and technological means will be continuously promoted, with the aim of achieving an adequate allocation of resources so that the organization is useful, efficient and modern and with a transparent and responsible management.


Berango, April 2023

General Management of Alconza Berango SL